Distance Learning Statistics for 2025- Remote Learning Trends and Facts

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Looking for the latest 2025 distance learning statistics facts and trends?

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Distance learning statistics, facts and trends guide for 2025
Distance learning statistics, facts and trends guide for 2025

Table of Contents

Key Distance Learning Statics Facts and Trends for This Year

Key Distance and Remote Learning Stats for 2025

  • 64% of full-time community college faculty teach distance education classes. (Source)
  • Online class completion rate at community colleges is 72%, vs 76% for face-to-face courses. (Source)
  • 150% increase in students choosing distance-learning courses from 1998 to 2008. (Source)
  • 18% of undergrads predicted to receive 80%+ of education online by 2025. (Source)
  • 25% of associate’s degree students take online courses, vs 17% of bachelor’s students. (Source)
  • 71% of for-profit college leaders report offering online classes. (Source)
  • 61% of four-year liberal arts college presidents offer online-only classes. (Source)
  • 15% of students who’ve taken an online class earned a fully online degree. (Source)
  • 39% of adults who’ve taken online classes view them as equal to classroom courses. (Source)
  • 65% of students have taken online classes. This also means 35% of students have not take online classes, indicating either a lack of interest or a lack of options. (Source)
  • 71% of students believe online learning offers more class-taking flexibility. (Source)
  • 62% of students think online learning helps working adults take classes. (Source)
  • 72% of university IT staff consider virtual learning essential for modern classrooms. (Source)
  • 59% of college IT managers say their institution offers online learning. (Source)
  • 48% of faculty members view virtual learning as essential for modern classrooms. (Source)
  • 51% of college presidents say online courses equal classroom experiences in value. (Source)
  • 29% of the public believes online courses equal classroom courses in value. (Source)
  • 77% of college presidents say their institutions offer online courses. (Source)
  • 89% of four-year public colleges and universities offer online classes. (Source)
  • 60% of four-year private colleges and universities offer online classes. (Source)
  • 23% of college graduates have taken an online class. (Source)
  • 50% of college presidents predict most students will take online classes in 10 years.
  • 91% of two-year colleges offer online courses. (Source)
  • 58% of colleges offering online courses have fully online degree programs. (Source)
  • 88% of residential colleges offer online courses to on-campus students. (Source)
  • 15% of college presidents report over half their undergrads took an online course. (Source)
  • 90% of community college online programs use student evaluations. (Source)
  • 64% of community college online programs use administrative reviews. (Source)
  • 75% of community colleges create their own online course content. 18% of community colleges use publisher content for online courses. 5% of community colleges use contracted materials for online courses. (Source)
  • 40% of community colleges maintain their own servers for online classes. 36% of community colleges outsource their server needs. 20% of community colleges share servers with others. The remaining 4% have not disclosed how they handle their server needs. (Source)
  • 70% of community colleges offer online orientation for distance education. (Source)
  • 54% of community colleges use online plagiarism checks for distance education. (Source)
  • 90% of community colleges have a dedicated distance education website. (Source)
  • 85% of community colleges offer online admission. (Source)
  • 91% of community colleges offer online class registration. (Source)
  • 40% of institutions charge extra fees for distance education classes. (Source)
  • 15% of community colleges offer blended/hybrid courses. (Source)
  • Older college staff (82% are against distance learning) is significantly more reluctant to accept this foreign tech than their younger peers (only 20% are against remote learning). (Source)
  • 53% of community colleges are increasing blended/hybrid course offerings. (Source)
  • Distance education enrollments grew 6.52% from Fall 2011 to Fall 2012. (Source)
  • 40% of community colleges have never offered or have stopped offering IAV courses. (Source)
  • 26% of community colleges are increasing IAV course offerings. (Source)
  • 60% of community college faculty believe distance education training is mandatory. 40% object to distance learning as a viable method of teaching. (Source)
  • 28% of community colleges limit faculty’s online teaching load. (Source)
  • 52% of community college online students are traditional students. (Source)
  • 63% of community college online students are female, 36% are male. (Source)

Distance Learning Statics Facts and Trends for This Year Detailed Info)

What Percentage Of Full-Time Faculty At Community Colleges Teach Distance Education Classes?

According to the statistics, 64% of full-time faculty at community colleges teach distance education classes. This high percentage indicates a significant involvement of community college faculty in online education (Source)

How Does The Completion Rate For Online Classes At Community Colleges Compare To Traditional Face-To-Face Courses?

The completion rate for online classes at community colleges is 72%, which is slightly lower than the 76% completion rate for traditional face-to-face courses. (Source)

How Does The Completion Rate For Online Classes At Community Colleges Compare To Traditional Face-To-Face Courses?
How Does The Completion Rate For Online Classes At Community Colleges Compare To Traditional Face-To-Face Courses?

By What Percentage Did The Number Of Students Selecting Distance-Learning Courses Increase Between 1998 And 2008?

Between 1998 and 2008, there was a 150% increase in the number of students selecting distance-learning courses. The growth has stalled quite a bit since then but then it again exploded during the COVID crisis when students were forced to stay at home and become distance learners. (Source)

What Percentage Of Undergraduate Students Were Predicted To Receive 80% Or More Of Their Education Through Online Courses By 2013?

It was predicted that by 2013, 18% of undergraduate students would receive 80% or more of their education through online courses. (Source)

What Percentage Of Students Are Enrolled In At Least One Online Course At The Associate’s Degree Level Compared To The Bachelor’s Degree Level?

At the associate’s degree level, 25% of students are enrolled in at least one online course, compared to 17% at the bachelor’s degree level. This suggests that online courses are more prevalent in associate degree programs than in bachelor’s programs. (Source)

What Percentage Of Leaders Of For-Profit Colleges And Universities Report That Their Institutions Offer Classes Online?

71% of leaders of for-profit colleges and universities report that their institutions offer classes online. This high percentage indicates that online education is a significant part of the for-profit higher education sector. (Source)

What Percentage Of Presidents Of Four-Year Liberal Arts Colleges Report That Their Institutions Offer Classes Taught Exclusively Online?

61% of presidents of four-year liberal arts colleges report that their institutions offer classes taught exclusively online. This shows that even traditional liberal arts colleges are embracing online education to a significant extent. (Source)

What Percentage Of College Students Who Have Taken A Class Online Have Earned A Degree Entirely Online?

15% of college students who have taken a class online have earned a degree entirely online. This suggests that while many students try online classes, only a smaller portion commit to fully online degree programs. (Source)

What Percentage Of Adults Who Have Taken A Class Online Say The Format’s Educational Value Is Equal To That Of A Course Taken In A Classroom?

According to a recent study (I linked to it below) 39% of adults who have taken a class online say the format’s educational value is equal to that of a course taken in a classroom.

The results of this study show there’s still a perceived value gap between online and traditional courses among those who have experienced online education. Even those who found remote learning valuable still though that traditional schooling is superior. (Source)

What Percentage Of Students Have Taken Online Classes?

65% of students have taken online classes. This high percentage shows online education has become a common experience and practice for the majority of students in higher education. (Source)

This also means 35% of students have not take online classes, indicating either a lack of interest or a lack of options, especially in poorer countries around the globe. (Source)

What Percentage Of Students Have Taken Online Classes?
What Percentage Of Students Have Taken Online Classes?

What Percentage Of Students Believe That Virtual Learning Provides Increased Flexibility To Take Classes?

In a global survey (linked in the footer of the page), 71% of students think and believe virtual learning boosts flexibility and options to take classes. This high percentage of students and specific emphasis on flexibility indicates that flexibility is a major perceived benefit of online education among students. (Source)

What Percentage Of Students Believe That Virtual Learning Provides The Opportunity For Professional Adults To Take Classes While Working Full Time?

62% of students believe that virtual learning provides the opportunity for professional adults to take classes while working full time. (Source)

What Percentage Of University IT Staff Believe That Virtual Learning Is Essential To A 21st-Century Classroom?

72% of university IT staff believe that virtual learning is essential to a 21st-century classroom. IT staff people are probably very biased towards the importance of their work but their belief is accurate as the recent COVID crisis showed virtual learning is both possible and advantageous to participating students. (Source)

Meanwhile, only 48% of faculty members believe that virtual learning is essential to a 21st-century classroom. This lower percentage than that of IT staff suggests some skepticism or resistance among faculty towards online education. (Source)

Note: Older college staff (82% are against distance learning) is significantly more reluctant to accept this foreign tech than their younger peers (only 20% are against remote learning). (Source)

What Percentage Of University IT Staff Believe That Virtual Learning Is Essential To A 21st-Century Classroom?
What Percentage Of University IT Staff Believe That Virtual Learning Is Essential To A 21st-Century Classroom?

What Percentage Of College IT Managers Surveyed Say Their Institution Offers Online Learning?

In a recent survey which I reference at the bottom of this page 59% of college IT managers surveyed say their institution offers online learning. This suggests that while online learning is widespread, there’s still room for growth in institutional adoption. (Source)

What Percentage Of College Presidents Say Online Courses Provide Equal Value To Classroom Experiences?

51% of college presidents say online courses provide equal value to classroom experiences. This indicates 49% of college president think online course and distance learning provides less value than traditional schooling. (Source)

What Percentage Of The Public Says Online Courses Offer An Equal Value Compared With Courses Taken In A Classroom?

29% of the public says online courses offer an equal value compared with courses taken in a classroom.

This lower percentage suggests that the general public still has reservations about the value of online education compared to traditional classroom experiences. (Source)

What Percentage Of College Presidents Report That Their Institutions Offer Online Courses?

77% of college presidents report that their institutions offer online courses. This high percentage indicates that online education has become a standard offering at most colleges and universities. (Source)

What Percentage Of Four-Year Public Colleges And Universities Offer Online Classes?

Online education is nearly ubiquitous in public four-year institutions. 89% of four-year public colleges and universities offer online classes. (Source)

As for private institutions, 60% of four-year private colleges and universities offer online classes. While still a handsome majority, this lower percentage compared to public institutions suggests that private colleges have been slower to adopt online education. (Source)

What Percentage Of College Graduates Report That They Have Taken A Class Online?

23% of college graduates report that they have taken a class online. (Source)

What Percentage Of College Presidents Predict That 10 Years From Now Most Of Their Students Will Take Classes Online?

In a recent 2025 survey, 50% of college presidents predict that 10 years from now most of their students will take classes online. (Source)

What Percentage Of Two-Year Colleges Offer Online Courses?

91% of two-year colleges offer online courses. This extremely high percentage shows that online education has become a standard offering at almost all two-year institutions. (Source)

What Percentage Of Colleges And Universities That Offer Online Courses Grant Degrees For Which All The Course Work Can Be Completed Online?

58% of colleges and universities that offer online courses grant degrees for which all the course work can be completed online. This shows that while many institutions offer online courses, fewer have fully embraced completely online degree programs. Hybrid degree programs are still the most common at colleges and universities (the numbers are 53% of community colleges globally (and 65% in both the US and Canada). (Source)

What Percentage Of Residential Colleges And Universities Offer Online Courses To Students Who Live On Campus?

88% of residential colleges and universities offer online courses to students who live on campus. (Source)

What Percentage Of College Presidents Report That More Than Half Of Their Undergraduate Students Have Taken An Online Course?

15% of college presidents report that more than half of their undergraduate students have taken an online course. This relatively low percentage suggests that while online courses are widely available, they haven’t yet become the primary mode of education for most students. (Source)

What Percentage Of Online Institutions Based At Community Colleges Use Student Evaluations?

90% of online institutions based at community colleges use student evaluations. (Source)

What Percentage Of Online Institutions Based At Community Colleges Use Some Type Of Administrative Review?

64% of online institutions based at community colleges use some type of administrative review. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Develop Their Own Content For Online Courses?

75% of community colleges develop their own content for online courses. 18% of community colleges use publisher content for online courses and 5% of community colleges use contract or license materials from content providers.

Overall, most community colleges prefer to create custom content tailored to their students’ needs instead of outsourcing thee work to a third party provider. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Own And Maintain Their Own Servers For Their Online Classes?

40% of community colleges own and maintain their own servers for their online classes. Compare that to the 36% of community colleges who outsource their server needs to a third party. (Source)

Also worth noting is that 20% of community colleges shared servers with others. This lower percentage suggests that while server sharing is an option, it’s less popular than either self-hosting or outsourcing. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Currently Offer An Online Student Orientation For Distance Education Classes?

70% of community colleges currently offer an online student orientation for distance education classes. This high percentage indicates that most community colleges recognize the importance of preparing students for online learning. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Currently Offer Online Plagiarism Evaluations For Distance Education Classes?

54% of community colleges in the US currently offer online plagiarism evaluations for distance education classes. This suggests that while academic integrity is a concern, automated plagiarism detection is not universally adopted prompting some students to cheat on their exams. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Offer A Dedicated Website For Their Distance Education Program And Students?

90% of community colleges offer a dedicated website for their distance education program and students. This high percentage shows most community colleges recognize the importance of having a specific online presence for their distance education offerings. They also understand their remote learning website should be a sperate property from their main domain. This help avoid confusion. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Offer Online Admission?

85% of community colleges offer online admission. This high percentage strongly indicates most community colleges have embraced online processes for student enrollment. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Currently Offer Online Registration For Their Classes?

91% of community colleges currently offer online registration for their classes. This very high percentage suggests that online registration has become standard practice in community colleges.

40% of these institutions also reported they charge students an additional per-credit fee to take distance education classes. he minimum collected was $2, the maximum was $80, with a median average of $22. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Offer Blended/Hybrid Courses?

15% of community colleges offer blended/hybrid courses. This relatively low percentage suggests that while blended learning is present, it’s not as widely adopted as fully online or traditional courses. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Continue To Increase The Number Of Blended/Hybrid Courses Each Term?

53% of community colleges globally (and 65% in the US and Canada) continue to increase the number of blended/hybrid courses each term. This suggests there’s a growing interest in blended learning among community colleges. (Source)


This growth might have been spurned on by the COVID pandemic which forced colleges and universities to introduce education in a blended, hybrid format. Once they realized they students responded positively to it, it was game on for them. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Have Deactivated Their Interactive Video (IAV) Courses Or Have Never Offered IAV Courses?

40% of community colleges have deactivated their interactive video (IAV) courses or have never offered IAV courses. This high percentage of interactive video deactivation combined with the low current offering, suggests that IAV courses have not been widely successful in the community college setting. (Source)

However, 26% of community colleges globally, (40% for the US) are continuing to increase the number of IAV courses each term. This percentage, while higher than current offering rates, still indicates limited growth in IAV courses. (Source)

What Percentage Of Faculty Members At Community Colleges Believe That Faculty Participation In Training Programs For Distance Education Is Mandatory?

60% of faculty members at community colleges believe that faculty participation in training programs for distance education is mandatory. (Source)

What Percentage Of Community Colleges Limit The Number Of Online Class Sections A Full-Time Faculty Member Can Teach Each Term?

28% of community colleges limit the number of online class sections a full-time faculty member can teach each term. This is probably because these faculty members give distance learning lessons on top of their regular work at colleges and universities. (Source)

What Percentage Of Students At Community Colleges Who Take Online Courses Are Traditional Students?

52% of students at community colleges who take online courses are traditional students. This study shows online courses are popular not just among non-traditional students, but also among those following a more conventional educational path. (Source)

What Percentage Of Students At Community Colleges Who Take Online Courses Are Female And What Percentage Are Male?

63% of students at community colleges who take online courses are female, while 36% are male. This gender disparity strongly suggests online courses may be particularly appealing or accessible to female students in community college settings. (Source)

What Percentage Of Students At Community Colleges Who Take Online Courses Are Female And What Percentage Are Male?
What Percentage Of Students At Community Colleges Who Take Online Courses Are Female And What Percentage Are Male?

Distance Learning Statistics Facts and Trends 2025 (Conclusion)

My updated guide lists the best and latest distance learning statistics facts and trends for 2025.

I hope you enjoyed reading it because the guide is now over.

During my research, I consulted these resources below:


Nikola Roza

Nikola Roza is a blogger behind Nikola Roza- SEO for the Poor and Determined. He writes for bloggers who don't have huge marketing budget but still want to succeed. Nikola is passionate about precious metals IRAs and how to invest in gold and silver for a safer financial future. Learn about Nikola here.

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