Upskilling and Reskilling Statistics for 2025- Facts, Trends and Data You Need to Know!

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Upskilling is any activity you do that’s focused on getting more knowledge, skill, expertise and capabilities related to your current working position so you can advance your career and better adapt to evolving job market.

Is upskilling worth it? Is it the same as reskilling? Should you really upskill now or wait for better time?

My updated upskilling and reskilling statistics guide for 2025 has everything you need to know, and more.

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Also, all the references and resources I used in crafting my guide are listed at the bottom of the page.

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Upskilling statistics, facts and trends guide for 2025
Upskilling statistics, facts and trends guide for 2025

Table of Contents

Key Upskilling Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year

Key Upskilling and Reskilling Statistics Facts and Trends for 2025

  • 59% of student loan borrowers who graduated say higher education improved their career opportunities and/or earning potential. (Source)
  • 10% of high-schoolers have delayed furthering their education due to economic uncertainty. (Source)
  • 94% of business leaders reported in 2025 that they expect employees to pick up new skills on the job by 2026. (Source)
  • U.S. workers gained an additional 8.6% in annual income, or an average of $8,000, after participating in upskilling programs. (Source)
  • 15.3% of workers who paid for their own skill development received a salary increase, compared to 5.2% of workers whose skill development was paid by their employer. This suggest that the former group tried harder in a bid to recuperate their monetary investment. (Source)
  • 72% of workers in computer and mathematical fields are interested in training or education to upgrade their skills. (Source)
  • 65% of those in managerial roles are interested in training or education to upgrade their skills or learn new skills. (Source)
  • 52% of American workers surveyed by Gallup said they had participated in an upskilling program in the past 12 months. (Source)
  • 63% of workers whose jobs or income were affected by COVID-19 were “extremely” or “very” interested in upskilling, compared to 42% of those not impacted. This suggest the former group got a legitimate fear of becoming redundant and were seeking to prevent it through upgrading their skills and knowledge. (Source)
  • The number of students registered for Coursera online classes rose to 71 million in 2020, up from 44 million in 2019. As of 2021, 92 million learners are registered. in 2025 that number rose to above 142 million and by 20230 the number of students is expected to reach a cool 200 million. (Source)
  • Recent study showed that the average undergraduate student loan borrower has $37,787 in student loan debt. The same survey showed that 31% of student loan borrowers wouldn’t have changed their college decisions, despite borrowing. It also showed that 23% of borrowers wish they’d applied for more scholarships while 20% wish they had worked more while in school. Finally, 17% wish they’d attended a cheaper school. (Source)
  • 64% of workers who recently completed skill development courses say it had a positive impact on their standard of living. (Source)
  • 75% of those who have participated in skill development report some kind of career advancement. (Source)
  • 39% of people reported they advanced at their current job after skill development. (Source)
  • 73% of those making $120,000 a year or more say upskilling is important to them. These people correctly understand the value of skill acquisition and knowledge upgrade. (Source)
  • The tech industry lost 25,000 jobs in February 2023. Despite this loss, the industry has still been growing in recent years, with job vacancies outpacing available candidates. (Source)
  • 88% of tech employers say it’s challenging to find skilled technology professionals. (Source)
  • Tech workers’ salaries can grow as much as 69% as they gain more knowledge and experience. (Source)
  • 58% of tech managers add starting salary premiums of 5% to 10% for in-demand jobs. They add these starting salary premiums to entice quality work force and to prevent competitors from stealing the best candidates. (Source)

Upskilling Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year

What Percentage of People Have Postponed Their Educational Plans Because of Economic Concerns?

Due to factors like inflation, rising interest rates, and recession fears 10% of high-schoolers have delayed furthering their education due to economic uncertainty. (Source)

Impact of economic concerns on education plans
Due to factors like inflation, rising interest rates, and recession fears 10% of high-schoolers have delayed furthering their education due to economic uncertainty.

What Proportion of Graduates with Student Loans Believe Their Higher Education Enhanced Their Career Prospects or Earning Capacity?

The average undergraduate student loan borrower has $37,787 in student loan debt. (Source)

59% of student loan borrowers who graduated say higher education improved their career opportunities and/or earning potential, similar to how understanding DSCR loan rates can enhance financial decision-making.
This statistic suggests that despite the cost and despite having to borrow money, these students still think borrowing money was worth it if it helps them reach new career heights. (Source)

Here are some more stats about student loan borrowers:

The same survey showed that 31% of student loan borrowers wouldn’t have changed their college decisions, despite borrowing. It also showed that 23% of borrowers wish they’d applied for more scholarships while 20% wish they had worked more while in school. (Source)

Finally, 17% wish they’d attended a cheaper school. (Source)

Impact of student loans on graduates career prospects

What Percentage of Business Leaders Anticipate Their Employees Will Acquire New Skills While Working?

 94% of business leaders reported in 2020 that they expect employees to pick up new skills on the job by 2026. (Source)
This high percentage indicates that continuous learning is becoming an expectation in the workplace. Managers who understand the value of upskilling will force their employees to constantly upskill, reskill and in general upgrade their knowledge any way they can.

Note: also worth noting is that 65% of those in managerial roles are interested in training or education to upgrade their skills or learn new skills. This means these managers don’t just talk big, but they also walk the walk themselves. (Source)

How Much Did U.S. Workers’ Annual Income Increase on Average After Completing Upskilling Programs?

U.S. workers gained an additional 8.6% in annual income, or an average of $8,000, after participating in upskilling programs. This stat clearly shows the tangible financial benefits of skill development. (Source)

Impact of upskilling on US worker's income
U.S. workers gained an additional 8.6% in annual income, or an average of $8,000, after participating in upskilling programs.

What Percentage of Workers Received a Salary Increase After Self-Funding Their Skill Development, Compared to Those Whose Employers Paid for It?

15.3% of workers who paid for their own skill development received a salary increase, compared to 5.2% of workers whose skill development was paid by their employer.

This stat suggests that the former group tried harder in a bid to recuperate their monetary investment. (Source)

In Which Field Do Workers Show the Highest Interest in Upgrading Their Skills Through Training or Education?

72% of workers in computer and mathematical fields are interested in training or education to upgrade their skills.
This is the highest percentage among all industries, showing a strong desire for continuous learning in tech fields. (Source)

What Proportion of American Workers Engaged in Upskilling Programs Within the Previous Year?

52% of American workers surveyed by Gallup said they had participated in an upskilling program in the past 12 months. This stat shows that upskilling was highly sought after by workers several years ago. (Source)

52% of American workers surveyed by Gallup said they had participated in an upskilling program in the past 12 months. Share on X #careerdevelopment  #lifelonglearning

How Did Interest in Upskilling Compare Between Workers Affected by COVID-19 and Those Who Weren’t?

63% of workers whose jobs or income were affected by COVID-19 were “extremely” or “very” interested in upskilling, compared to 42% of those not impacted. (Source)

The pandemic increased interest in upskilling, especially among those whose careers were affected. Suddenly people realized they can lose jobs because of an unprecedented event and find themselves jobless.

These people saw upskilling as a chance to stay relevant on the market.

Those who chose to upgrade their skills and knowledge also got their first exposure to LMS apps, online learning and microlearning as a concept (because when it comes to distance learning employees much better absorb and retain shorter lessons than longer ones. (Source)

The effect of COVID on upskilling
63% of workers whose jobs or income were affected by COVID-19 were “extremely” or “very” interested in upskilling, compared to 42% of those not impacted.

How Has the Number of Registered Students on Coursera Changed Over Time?

The number of students registered for Coursera online classes rose to 71 million in 2020, up from 44 million in 2019. As of 2021, 92 million learners are registered. in 2025 that number rose to above 142 million and by 20230 the number of students is expected to reach a cool 200 million. (Source)

What Percentage of Workers Report an Improved Standard of Living After Completing Skill Development Courses?

64% of workers who recently completed skill development courses say it had a positive impact on their standard of living.

The positive impact came not only from more money they’re now making but also from more self esteem they’ve gotten by mastering a new skill. (Source)

What Proportion of Individuals Who Engaged in Skill Development Experienced Career Advancement?

75% of those who have participated in skill development report some kind of career advancement. (Source)

This high percentage makes sense as we’ve seen throughout this guide that upskilling generally leads to better work positions and more money, whether you’re a student, an undergraduate or an employee working for an angry boss.

What Percentage of People Experienced Advancement in Their Current Job Following Skill Development?

A recent study showed that 39% of people reported they advanced at their current job within 6 months after skill development. Getting a promotion was the most common form of career advancement resulting from upskilling and reskilling. (Source)

What Proportion of High-Income Earners ($120,000+ Annually) Consider Upskilling Important?

73% of those making $120,000 a year or more say upskilling is important to them. This shows that even high earners value continuous learning and skill development. This makes sense because high earner’s knowledge and skills have gotten them there in the first place. (Source)

Importance of upskilling among high-income earners
73% of those making $120,000 a year or more say upskilling is important to them

How Many Jobs Did the Tech Industry Recently Lose?

The tech industry lost 25,000 jobs in February 2023. Despite this loss, the industry has still been growing in 2025 and 2025, with job vacancies outpacing available candidates. This stat makes it seem like no upskilling is required and this industry will employ just about anyone qualified to do the job.

But that’s false as highly skilled workers will seize better positions and ultimately make way more money. (Source)

What Percentage of Tech Employers Report Difficulty in Finding Skilled Technology Professionals?

88% of tech employers say it’s challenging to find skilled technology professionals. This indicates a significant skills gap in the tech industry, creating opportunities for those who upskill first. (Source)

Tech workers’ salaries can grow as much as 69% as they gain more knowledge and experience.
This substantial growth potential illustrates the financial benefits of continuous skill development in tech fields. (Source)

Finally, 58% of tech managers add starting salary premiums of 5% to 10% for in-demand jobs. They add these starting salary premiums to entice quality work force and to prevent competitors from stealing the best candidates. (Source)

How ‘upskilling’ is changing the workforce and salaries

Upskilling and Reskilling Statistics Facts and Trends for 2025 (FAQ)

Upskilling and reskilling statistics, facts and trends guide for 2025 (FAQ)
Upskilling and reskilling statistics, facts and trends guide for 2025 (FAQ)

What is Upskilling (Definition and Meaning)?

Definition: upskilling is any activity you do that’s focused on getting more knowledge, skill, expertise and capabilities related to your current working position so you can advance your career and better adapt to evolving job market.

What is Reskilling (Definition and Meaning)?

Definition: reskilling is the process of teaching employees new skills so they can take on different roles or responsibilities within a company. It can also refer to the process of learning new skills to transition into a new career path.

Upskilling vs Reskilling: Are They the Same?

No, upskilling and reskilling are not the same.

They both involve learning new skills, but upskilling focuses on enhancing performance within a current role by acquiring additional skills;

whereas reskilling aims to prepare an employee for a completely different job or career path by acquiring new skills outside of their current skillset.

Why is Upskilling Important?

Upskilling is important for companies and employees because it can:

  • Improve employee satisfaction- upskilled employees feel more valued and invested in by their employer, which then leads to higher job satisfaction and motivation.
  • Increase retention– upskilling usually greatly decreases employee turnover because employees feel important to the company and enjoy learning new things.
  • Attract new talent– upskilling is a major factor that people consider when looking for a new employer.
  • Improve confidence productivity– Upskilling helps build employees’ confidence in the work they do. This then leads to increased productivity and higher quality work.
  • Fill skill gaps- upskilling is a direct way to address skill gaps, especially those related to technology and digital literacy.
  • Improve organizational flexibility- upskilling helps companies respond quickly to industry changes and workforce skill requirements.

What is Digital Upskilling?

Digital upskilling is the process of actively developing and enhancing an individual’s digital skills and knowledge to keep pace with the evolving technological landscape. This allows these employees to effectively utilize digital tools and technologies in their work and personal lives, thus staying relevant in the modern digital world.

What are Some Examples of Upskilling?

Here are some examples of upskilling:

  • Blended learning: a combination of online and in-person training that can help engage people with different learning styles.
  • Online training: a flexible and accessible way to upskill that can be done at work.
  • Internal mentorship: an in-person or virtual training model that can be part of an upskilling program.
  • Coaching: 1:1 coaching helps employees qualify for more responsibilities and higher positions.
  • Creativity: finding new ways to do old tasks or creating something new can help build problem-solving skills
  • External training: formal education or certifications from outside of your company.

Who’s Responsible for Upskilling?

The responsibility for upskilling is shared between both employers and employees:

Employers have a responsibility to offer upskilling programs, and to work with employees to identify and implement opportunities.

Employees have a responsibility to speak up, ask questions, and seek new pathways for professional growth.

Upskilling and Reskilling Statistics Facts and Trends for 2025 (Conclusion)

My updated guide for 2025 lists the best and latest statistics, facts and trends about upskilling and reskilling and how it helps both the employee and the company they work for.

I hope you enjoyed it because the guide is now over.

Here are some more related statistics guides you can read on my site:

During my research, I consulted these resources below:


Nikola Roza

Nikola Roza is a blogger behind Nikola Roza- SEO for the Poor and Determined. He writes for bloggers who don't have huge marketing budget but still want to succeed. Nikola is passionate about precious metals IRAs and how to invest in gold and silver for a safer financial future. Learn about Nikola here.

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