Employee Training Statistics, Facts and Trends for 2024

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Looking for the latest statistics and facts on the topic of employee training?

My updated guide for 2024 has everything you need, and more.

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Employee training statistics, facts and trends for 2024
Employee training statistics, facts and trends for 2024

Table of Contents

Key Employee Training Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year

Key Employee Training Statistics, Facts and Trends for 2024

  • Just under 60% of L&D experts say they have a seat at the strategic table.
  • From 2017 to 2021, U.S. venture capital funding in education rose from $1.3 billion to $8.3 billion (6x growth). In 2025 US venture capital founding in education is expected to hit $10 billion.
  • In 2023, the average company’s L&D budget increased by 5.4%.
  • 35% of companies say they currently lack access to the right training content to deliver effective L&D.
  • 55% of employees say they need additional training to perform better in their current role.
  • 68% of employees prefer to learn or train at work. 32% of employees would prefer distance learning via mobile phones, tablets and laptops (and desktop computers).
  • 74% of workers want to acquire new skills in their training, but prefer quarterly rather than monthly training.
  • Companies with comprehensive employee training programs have 218% higher income per employee than companies without formalized training.
  • Companies are 17% more productive when employees get the training they need.
  • 59% of employees think training directly improves their performance.
  • U.S. companies invest $200 billion annually in corporate training, yet only 10% of that training drives tangible results.
  • Employees learn 70% of their skills on the job and just 10% through formal training.
  • 39% of small businesses offer classroom-led training, while 17% use virtual classrooms.
  • 53% of HR managers say their workforce faces a skills gap.
  • 51% of HR managers say employee training is their main way of closing the skills gap.
  • The skills sets for jobs have changed by around 25% since 2015, expected to change by 50% by 2027.
  • 52% of workers admitted they need to learn new skills within the next year to continue their careers. 100% of them said the new skills they have to learn are related to how AI is impacting the work they do.
  • 92% of employees think workplace training positively impacts their job engagement.
  • 45% of workers are more likely to stay in their role if they receive training.
  • Over 90% of employees say they won’t quit if they get development opportunities.
  • 76% of employees say they are more likely to stay at a company that offers continuous training.
  • 8 in 10 people say learning provides them with a sense of purpose at work.
  • 7 in 10 people say learning improves their connection with their company.
  • 43% of companies report increased revenue since implementing an education program.
  • 60% of companies with curriculum-based education initiatives report increased revenue, compared to 22% with ad-hoc efforts.
  • 27% of companies report reduced support costs since implementing an education program.
  • Companies whose education team has an executive sponsor are twice as likely to exceed their business goals.
  • 76% of Gen Z learners think that learning is the key to a successful career.
  • 59% of Millennials say learning and growing are extremely important when applying for a job, compared to 44% of Gen Xers and 41% of Baby Boomers.

These statistics and facts provide a comprehensive overview of the current state, importance, and impact of employee training and development across various aspects of business and workforce management.

Employee Training Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year (Detailed Info)

What Percentage of L&D Experts Have a Strategic Role in Their Organization?

Just under 60% of L&D experts say they have a seat at the strategic table.

Advocating for learning and development can often feel like an uphill battle. Even when L&D experts have a seat at the table, there’s no guarantee the C-suite will always listen.

How Much Has Venture Capital Funding in Education Grown in Recent Years?

From 2017 to 2021, U.S. venture capital funding in education rose from $1.3 billion to $8.3 billion, which is more than 6x growth. In 2025 US venture capital founding in education is expected to hit $10 billion.

By What Percentage Did the Average Company’s L&D Budget Increase in 2023?

In 2023, the average company’s L&D budget increased by 5.4%.

This increase reflects a growing recognition of the importance of L&D. Companies are investing more in their employees’ growth and development as they expect huge and compounding return for years to come.

That said, 35% of companies don’t have an L&D budget because they’re not investing into their employee’s education and upskilling. Their excuse is that they currently lack access to the right training content to deliver effective L&D.

What Percentage of Employees Believe They Need Additional Training to Improve Performance?

55% of employees say they need additional training to perform better in their current role.

This stat shows that employees generally want to improve and its up to the companies to recognize that potential and invest into proper training. As you’ve seen for the stat above, and from the stats below, L&D programs, when executed correctly, tend to pay off big time.

Where Do the Majority of Employees Prefer to Learn or Train?

68% of employees prefer to learn or train at work. 32% of employees would prefer distance learning via mobile phones, tablets and laptops (and desktop computers). Interestingly, 89% of workers want training available anywhere and anytime.

And nearly unanimously, 93% of employees want training that is easy to complete and understand.

What Percentage of Workers Want to Acquire New Skills and How Often?

74% of workers want to acquire new skills in their training, but prefer quarterly rather than monthly training.

How Much Higher is the Income Per Employee for Companies With Comprehensive Training Programs?

Companies with comprehensive employee training programs have 218% higher income per employee than companies without formalized training.

Another benefit for the companies is in the productivity department. Companies as a whole are 17% more productive when employees get the training they need.

What Percentage of Employees Believe Training Directly Improves Their Performance?

59% of employees think training directly improves their performance.

This statistic shows employees understand the value of training and knowledge acquisition for their performance and success at work.

How Much Do U.S. Companies Invest in Corporate Training Annually and What Percentage Drives Results?

U.S. companies invest $200 billion annually in corporate training, yet only 10% of that training drives tangible results.

What Percentage of Skills Do Employees Learn on the Job Versus Through Formal Training?

Employees learn 70% of their skills on the job and just 10% through formal training.

This breakdown emphasizes the importance of on-the-job learning and experiential training. It suggests that companies should focus on creating opportunities for practical, hands-on skill development.

What Percentage of Small Businesses Offer Classroom-Led Training Versus Virtual Classrooms?

39% of small businesses offer classroom-led training, while 17% use virtual classrooms.

This shows that traditional classroom training is still prevalent, especially in small businesses. However, the adoption of virtual training methods is growing, reflecting changing workplace dynamics and also changing circumstances in the world.

I’m talking about COVID which brought about a seismic shift to how knowledge is delivered. During the height of the pandemic most of learning was happening online and now that the pandemic is over, online learning has stayed as equally valuable companion to traditional teaching methods.

What Percentage of HR Managers Report a Skills Gap in Their Workforce?

53% of HR managers say their workforce faces a skills gap. Nearly identical percentage (51%) of HR managers say employee training is their main way of closing the skills gap.

By What Percentage Have Job Skill Sets Changed Since 2015 and What is the Projection for 2027?

The skills sets for jobs have changed by around 25% since 2015, expected to change by at least 50% by 2027. With the rapid advancement of AI old skills are quickly becoming obsolete while new skills are being created as we speak.

What Percentage of Workers Need to Learn New Skills Within a Year to Continue Their Careers?

52% of workers admitted they need to learn new skills within the next year to continue their careers. 100% of them said the new skills they have to learn are related to how AI is impacting the work they do.

How Many Employees Believe Workplace Training Positively Impacts Their Job Engagement?

92% of employees think workplace training positively impacts their job engagement. Over 90% of employees say they won’t quit if they get development opportunities.

And 45% of workers say they’re more likely to stay in their role if they receive training. Even more of them (76%) say they are more likely to stay at a company that offers continuous training.

Finally, 8 in 10 people say learning provides them with a sense of purpose at work, and 7 in 10 people say learning improves their connection with their company.

What Percentage of Companies Report Increased Revenue After Implementing an Education Program?

43% of companies report increased revenue since implementing an education program.

This statistic provides concrete evidence of the financial benefits of employee education programs. It makes a strong business case for investing in L&D initiatives and should be required material to show to boards of directors who’re still hesitant to make the investment needed.

How Do Revenue Increases Compare Between Companies With Curriculum-Based Versus Ad-Hoc Education Initiatives?

60% of companies with curriculum-based education initiatives report increased revenue, compared to 22% with ad-hoc efforts.

What Percentage of Companies Report Reduced Support Costs After Implementing an Education Program?

27% of companies report reduced support costs since implementing an education program.

How Much More Likely Are Companies With Executive-Sponsored Education Teams to Exceed Business Goals?

Companies whose education team has an executive sponsor are twice as likely to exceed their business goals.

What Percentage of Gen Z Learners Believe Learning is Key to a Successful Career?

76% of Gen Z learners think that learning is the key to a successful career. 59% of millennials say learning and growing are extremely important when applying for a job, compared to 44% of Gen Xers and 41% of Baby Boomers.

This generational comparison highlights the increasing importance of L&D opportunities for younger workers. It suggests that companies may need to emphasize their learning and development offerings to attract and retain millennial talent.

These stats also show that older generations need to be convinced a bit more about the value of education and development for career growth. It’s also possible older generation have harder times working with EdTech applications commonly used in online learning.

Employee Training Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year

My updated guide for 2024 lists the best and latest statistics, facts and trends about employee training and how to best maximize the potential of corporate workforce.

I hope you enjoyed it because the guide is now over.

During my research, I consulted these resources below:


  • Employee Training Statistics, Trends, and Data in 2024- https://www.devlinpeck.com/content/employee-training-statistics
  • Employee Training Statistics: The Value of Good Training- https://www.intellum.com/resources/blog/employee-training-statistics
  • 33 employee training statistics and trends to level up in 2024- https://www.mentimeter.com/blog/training/employee-training-statistics
  • Workplace learning and development – statistics & facts- https://www.statista.com/topics/4281/workplace-learning-and-development/
  • Employee Development Statistics You Need to Know Right Now- https://www.deel.com/blog/employee-development-statistics/
  • The Future of Learning: Eye-Opening Employee Training Statistics for 2024- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/future-learning-eye-opening-employee-training-statistics-2024-1epuc/
  • 90+ Employee Training Statistics in 2024: Investing in Employee Development- https://www.myshortlister.com/insights/employee-training-statistics
  • 100+ Learning and Development Statistics To Help Guide Your Strategy- https://buildempire.co.uk/learning-and-development-statistics/
  • 10 Employee Training Statistics (2024) to Improve Your Team’s Performance- https://www.skillademia.com/statistics/employee-training-statistics/
  • 25 Employee training statistics in the UK- https://www.ciphr.com/infographics/employee-training-statistics
  • 27 Surprising Employee Development Statistics You Haven’t Heard Of- https://blog.clearcompany.com/27-surprising-employee-development-statistics-you-dont-know
  • Mind-blowing Statistics that Prove the Value of Employee Training and Development- https://www.shiftelearning.com/blog/statistics-value-of-employee-training-and-development
  • The Facts and Figures: Employee Training- https://www.icslearn.co.uk/blog/human-resources/the-facts-and-figures-employee-training/
  • 26 Employee Training Statistics for 2024- https://fitsmallbusiness.com/employee-training-statistics/
  • 2024 Training Industry Report- https://trainingmag.com/2023-training-industry-report/
  • 68 Training Industry Statistics: 2024 Data, Trends & Predictions- https://research.com/careers/training-industry-statistics
  • Training Statistics 2024 – 55 Useful Facts For Startups- https://mycodelesswebsite.com/training-statistics/
  • 9 Benefits of Employee Training (with Stats and Examples)- https://www.educate-me.co/blog/benefits-of-employee-training
  • 3 Ways to Boost Retention Through Professional Development- https://hbr.org/2022/04/3-ways-to-boost-retention-through-professional-development
  • 20 Important Corporate Training Statistics and Trends- https://www.edstellar.com/blog/corporate-training-statistics
  • 28 Interesting Employee Training Statistics- https://leftronic.com/blog/employee-training-statistics
Nikola Roza

Nikola Roza is a blogger behind Nikola Roza- SEO for the Poor and Determined. He writes for bloggers who don't have huge marketing budget but still want to succeed. Nikola is passionate about precious metals IRAs and how to invest in gold and silver for a safer financial future. Learn about Nikola here.

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