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Looking for the latest statistics and facts on the topic of how lack of training in the workspace affects businesses performance?
My updated guide for 2025 has everything you need, and more.
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Also, all the references and resources I used in crafting my guide are listed at the bottom of the page.
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Jump here: Lack of Training in Workplace KEY Statistics, Facts and Trends| Lack of Training in Workplace Statistics, Facts and Trends (Detailed Info)| Training and Development Opportunities Statistics and Facts| Workforce Skills Gap Statistics and Facts| Employee Engagement Statistics and Facts| Organizational Learning Culture Statistics| Training and Development Opportunities Statistics
Lack of training in the workplace statistics, facts and trends 2025
Table of Contents
Lack of Training in Workplace KEY Statistics, Facts and Trends
- 94% of employees would stay longer at companies investing in their education and development. (Source)
- According to recent data (linked at the bottom of the page) lack of employee training is the top reason for leaving jobs within the first year. (Source)
- 68% of companies say training and development is the most important workplace policy. (Source)
- Companies with comprehensive training have on average 218% higher income per employee. (Source)
- In a recent poll 47% of employees interviewed say their training isn’t helpful for their job. These employees consider this useless and often outdated training as a waste of their time. (Source)
- Spending just $1,500 per employee on training them leads to 24% higher profit margins for the company. (Source)
- In a recent study (linked at the bottom of the page) 42% of employees would leave a company with inadequate training and development opportunities. (Source)
- Relevant training can increase employee productivity by 50%. (Source)
- This year’s annual poll showed that 31% of employees want to leave due to lack of development opportunities. (Source)
- Employees without development opportunities are 12 times more likely to leave than the employees who have a chance to grow in their workplace. (Source)
- 61% (this year’s data) of employees say their feel stuck on their jobs and they cite as their biggest hurdle the lack of continuous learning and advancement opportunities. (Source)
- Globally companies spend over $161 billion annually on employee training, but only 12% of employees apply the new skills they acquired. U.S. companies spend $93 billion annually on learning and development. (Source)
- Yet another recent poll showed that 40% of workers consider the on-the-job training they received poor or very unsatisfactory. (Source)
- 40% of employees leave within a year due to poor job training. 29% of these employees directly cite lack of training as the top reason to leave a company. (Source)
- Only 9% of businesses globally provide training for role transitions within the company. In the US, 16% of businesses retrain their employees for their new roles. (Source)
- 33% of employees say lack of development opportunities hinders and stifles their work creativity. (Source)
- 60% of employees say they would learn new skills if provided adequate and engaging training. (Source)
- 30% of business managers interviewed say their companies face skills gaps due to a lack of effective employee training. (Source)
- 34% of workers feel under-skilled for their current role. (Source)
- 45% of employees lack skills for their current job. (Source)
- 59% of organizations aren’t ready for the future of work. 5 years ago, only 20% of businesses were ready to admit they’re not ready for the upcoming tectonic shifts in the work environment. (Source)
- 71% of businesses say their people lack necessary skills, yet only 30% of these businesses have strategies for overcoming this obstacle. (Source)
- Only 30% of companies offer internal mobility opportunities with adequate training. (Source)
- 76% of employees claimed in this year’s study that growth opportunities influence job satisfaction. (Source)
- 87% of millennials prioritize career growth opportunities. (Source)
- 70% of employees say they’re most engaged when senior leadership continually updates and communicates company strategy. The same survey showed a mere 5% of employees claimed they’re not interested at all in the company’s growth trajectory and strategy (as long as they keep receiving their salaries).
- Strong learning culture increases engagement by 30-50%.
- 37% lack adequate professional growth opportunities.
- 70% of employees aren’t engaged with their work because of a lack of development opportunities.
- Millennials value growth more than Gen X and Baby Boomers.
- Only 32% of employees working in US companies say their managers help with learning opportunities. The remaining 68% say their manager are a nuisance to them and are preventing them from achieving their full work potential.
- 57% of businesses surveyed have reported decreased employee engagement when growth, training, and development opportunities were not provided.
- 31% of organizations report having a strong learning culture.
- Strong learning cultures are 92% more likely to innovate first.
- Organizations with strong learning cultures are 37% more productive. (Source)
- 73% of HR professionals prioritize learning culture. (Source)
- Strong company learning cultures influence people working for them. 58% of employees in such companies are more likely to positively adapt to change. (Source)
- 89% of employees say learning culture impacts their job satisfaction positively. This study is linked in the footer of the page. (Source)
- 74% would learn new skills if provided training. (Source)
- 40% don’t receive enough training to work effectively. (Source)
- Employees are 15% more likely to stay with companies offering regular training. (Source)
- Only 25% of organizations find their learning programs highly effective. (Source)
Lack of Training in Workplace Statistics, Facts and Trends (Detailed Info)
Training and Development Opportunities Statistics and Facts
What Percentage Of Employees Would Stay At a Company Longer If It Invested In Their Learning And Development?
94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development. Most employees consider professional growth as crucial for their long term development. Companies that want to retain their employees need to seriously invest into employee training programs. (Source)
What Is The Top Reason Employees Leave Their Jobs Within The First Year?
According to recent data (linked at the bottom of the page) lack of employee training is the top reason for leaving jobs within the first year. 40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the first year. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Say Training And Development Is The Most Important Workplace Policy?
68% of companies say training and development is the most important workplace policy. This percentage sharply rose from earlier ever since some studies got published that showed companies that offer comprehensive employee training programs have 218% higher income per employee than companies without formalized training. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Say The Training They Receive Is Not Helpful For Their Job?
According to 47% of employees surveyed in a recent survey, their training is not useful for their jobs. These workers feel their time is being wasted on this pointless and frequently out-of-date training and would prefer better teaching material presented in the learning style they like best. (Source)
Almost 60% of employees would learn new skills quickly if their organization provided better structured training and shorter lessons. (Source)
What Is The Average Increase In Profit Margins For Organizations That Invest $1,500 Per Employee On Training?
Organizations that invest $1,500 per employee on training see an average of 24% higher profit margins than those who invest less. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Say They Would Leave A Company With Inadequate Training Opportunities?
According to a recent research (which I link to at the bottom of the page), 42% of workers would quit a company that did not offer them enough opportunity for professional growth and improving their skills and knowledge. (Source)
By How Much Can Companies Increase Productivity By Providing Relevant Training?
Companies that provide relevant training can increase employee productivity by 50%. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Feel That a Lack Of Development Opportunities Makes Them Want To Leave Their Current Job?
According to this year’s annual survey, 31% of workers wish to quit because there are not enough opportunities for professional growth. (Source)
How Much More Likely Are Employees To Leave Their Job If They Feel They Aren’t Getting Enough Development Opportunities?
Employees who feel they aren’t getting enough development opportunities are 12 times more likely to leave their job. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Feel They Are Not Offered Opportunities For Continuous Learning And Advancement?
According to this year’s research, 61% of workers feel stuck in their current positions, with a lack of possibilities for growth and further education cited as the main obstacle they face. (Source)
How Much Do U.S. Companies Spend Annually On Employee Learning And Development, And What Percentage Of Employees Apply New Skills From Training To Their Jobs?
Although American businesses invest $161 billion per year on workforce training and development for their workforce, just 12 percent of their workers claim to actively use the new skills they have received in the workplace. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Consider Their On-The-Job Training To Be Poor Or Very Poor?
Nearly 40% of employees who receive on-the-job training consider it poor or very poor. The main complaint people have is that the training is tedious and lessons are too long and complicated. (Source)
Microlearning is a possible solution to this problem as short and snackable lessons are far easier to digest, even for the most bored worker. (Source)
Nearly 40% of employees who receive on-the-job training consider it poor or very poor. The main complaint people have is that the training is tedious and lessons are too long and/or complicated. Share on XWhat Percentage Of Employees Say Lack Of Opportunities For Training And Skill Development Is The Top Reason They Would Leave A Company?
29% of employees say lack of opportunities for training and skill development is the top reason they would leave a company. (Source)
What Percentage Of Organizations Give Employees The Training They Need To Transition To A New Role?
Only 9% of organizations globally give employees the training they need to transition to a new role. In the US 16% of businesses retrain their employees for their new roles. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Say Lack Of Development Opportunities Is A Barrier To Creativity At Work?
33% of employees say lack of development opportunities is a big barrier for them to get creative with their work. (Source)
Workforce Skills Gap Statistics and Facts
What Percentage Of Businesses Face A Skills Gap Due To Lack Of Training?
According to 30% of business managers surveyed, ineffective staff training is the reason their organizations have a skills gap curbing their business growth. (Source)
What Percentage Of Workers Believe They Are Under-Skilled For Their Current Role?
34% of workers believe they are under-skilled for their current role. 80% of these workers say they’d allocate extra time off work just to master the skills they need to be more effective at their jobs. (Source)
What Percentage Of Organizations Are Not Ready For The Future Of Work Due To A Lack Of Training Programs?
59% of organizations are not ready for the future of work due to a lack of training programs. 5 years ago, only 20% of businesses were willing to admit they’re not ready for the upcoming tectonic shifts in the work environment. (Source)
But the rapid advancement of AI has made everyone a little bit nervous.
What Percentage Of Businesses Believe Their People Don’t Have The Skills They Need For Today’s Workplace?
71% of businesses believe their people don’t have the skills they need for today’s workplace. Only 40% of these businesses are developing employee training strategies to implement and get their workforce up to speed. The new strategies they’ll be trying are microlearning, remote education and the combination of the two. (Source)
Employee Engagement Statistics and Facts
What Percentage Of Employees Say Their Organizations Offer Opportunities For Internal Mobility?
Only 30% of employees say their organizations offer opportunities for internal mobility. What’s more, only 9% of businesses globally (and 16% in the US) provide training for role transitions within the company. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Feel That Opportunities For Growth Are One Of The Top Three Factors That Influence Their Job Satisfaction?
76% of employees feel that opportunities for growth are one of the top three factors that influence their job satisfaction. The other two factors are job autonomy and employee benefits. (Source)
What Percentage Of Millennials Say Professional Development Or Career Growth Opportunities Are Very Important?
87% of millennials say professional development or career growth opportunities are very important to them. Surveyed millennials further claim their work should provide them ample personal and professional growth opportunities. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Say They’re Most Engaged When Senior Leadership Continually Updates And Communicates Company Strategy?
70% of employees say they’re most engaged when senior leadership continually updates and communicates company strategy. In the same survey, only 5% of employees said they’re not interested at all in the company’s growth trajectory and strategy (as long as they keep getting paid). (Source)
How Much Higher Are Employee Engagement And Retention Rates For Companies With A Strong Learning Culture?
Companies with a strong learning culture enjoy employee engagement and retention rates 30-50% higher than those that don’t. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Feel They Do Not Have Adequate Opportunities For Professional Growth At Their Current Company?
37% of employees feel they do not have adequate opportunities for professional growth at their current company. (Source)
How Do Different Generations Rate The Importance Of Professional And Career Growth Opportunities?
Millennials are more likely (87%) to rate professional and career growth opportunities as extremely important compared to Gen X (69%) and Baby Boomers (66%). (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Say Their Manager Helps Them Navigate Through Learning And Development Opportunities?
Merely 32% of workers in US corporations report that their bosses assist with educational possibilities. The remaining 68% claim their manager is a hassle and is keeping them from reaching their maximum productivity at work. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Rate The Availability Of Professional Development Opportunities As A Key Driver Of Engagement?
46% of employees rate the availability of professional development opportunities as a key driver of engagement. (Source)
What Percentage Of Organizations See A Significant Decrease In Employee Engagement When Employees Do Not Have Development Opportunities?
57% of organizations see a significant decrease in employee engagement when employees do not have development opportunities. (Source)
Organizational Learning Culture Statistics
What Percentage Of Organizations Report Having A Strong Learning Culture?
Only 31% of corporations report (study linked at the bottom of the post) having a strong learning culture. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Say They Would Stay Longer At A Company That Invests In Their Learning?
94% of employees say they would stay longer at a company that invests in their learning. (Source)
What Percentage Of HR Professionals Believe That Fostering An Organizational Learning Culture Is A High Priority?
73% of HR professionals believe that fostering an organizational learning culture is a high priority. (Source)
How Much More Likely Are Companies With Strong Learning Cultures To Successfully Adapt To Change?
Companies with strong learning cultures are 58% more likely to successfully adapt to change. Further research suggests that companies with strong learning cultures are 92% more likely to innovate first. Also, organizations with strong learning cultures are 37% more productive. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Feel Their Organization’s Learning Culture Positively Impacts Their Job Satisfaction?
89% of employees feel their organization’s learning culture positively impacts their job satisfaction. (Source)
Training and Development Opportunities Statistics
What Percentage Of Employees Consider Training And Development The Most Important Workplace Policy?
68% of employees consider training and development the most important workplace policy. (Source)
How Much Do Companies With Comprehensive Training Programs Earn Per Employee Compared To Those Without?
Companies with comprehensive training programs earn 218% more income per employee compared to those without formalized training. (Source)
What Percentage Of Employees Would Learn New Skills If Their Organization Provided Training?
74% of employees would learn new skills (for example they’d learn a new language) if their organization provided training. (Source)
How Much Do U.S. Companies Spend Annually On Employee Learning And Development?
U.S. companies spend approximately $93 billion annually on employee learning and development. That’s roughly 62% of global employee learning and training spend of over $161 billion. (Source)
U.S. companies spend approximately $93 billion annually on employee learning and development. That's roughly 62% of global employee learning and training spend of over $161 billion. Share on XWhat Percentage Of Employees Say They Don’t Receive Enough Training To Do Their Jobs Effectively?
According to a recent survey, 40% of employees say they didn’t receive enough training to do their jobs effectively. These employees specifically said that not receiving enough training didn’t always mean complete lack of any training. (Source)
Instead it was the lack of interactive learning and learning through play and educational games that was the biggest problem.
How Much More Likely Are Employees To Stay With A Company That Offers Regular Training Opportunities?
Employees are 15% more likely to stay with a company that offers regular training opportunities. (Source)
15% doesn’t sound like it’s a lot, but this stat suggests that investing in employee training contributes to building both team loyalty and overall team effectiveness. Plus having regular drills help those employees retain more knowledge and forget far less than they normally would. (Source)
What Percentage Of Organizations Believe Their Learning And Development Programs Are Highly Effective?
Only 25% of organizations believe their learning and development programs are highly effective. This stat shows that at least most businesses are aware of the problem that’s curbing their growth. (Source)
Lack of Training in the Workplace Statistics Facts and Trends for 2025 (Conclusion)
My updated guide for 2025 lists the best and latest statistics facts and trends on the topic of how lack of training in the workplace affects company’s performance.
I hope you enjoyed it because the guide is now over.
During my research, I consulted these resources below:
- Employee Training Statistics, Trends, and Data in 2025- https://www.devlinpeck.com/content/employee-training-statistics
- The Decline In Workplace Training- https://www.forbes.com/sites/adigaskell/2023/05/02/the-decline-in-workplace-training/
- 39 Statistics that Prove the Value of Employee Training- https://www.lorman.com/blog/post/39-statistics-that-prove-the-value-of-employee-training
- Employee Training Statistics: The Value of Good Training- https://www.intellum.com/resources/blog/employee-training-statistics
- 90+ Employee Training Statistics in 2025: Investing in Employee Development- https://www.myshortlister.com/insights/employee-training-statistics
- https://wifitalents.com/statistic/lack-of-training-in-the-workplace/- Lack of Training in the Workplace Statistics, Facts and Trends for 2025
- Lack of training is a HUGE issue in today’s jobs- https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/19ejhyr/lack_of_training_is_a_huge_issue_in_todays_jobs/
- The Real Cost of Ineffective Employee Training: Addressing the Lack of Training in the Workplace- https://www.inkling.com/blog/2023/09/cost-ineffective-employee-training-lack-training-in-workplace/
- https://www.shiftelearning.com/blog/statistics-value-of-employee-training-and-development– Mind-blowing Statistics that Prove the Value of Employee Training and Development
- 68 Training Industry Statistics: 2025 Data, Trends & Predictions- https://research.com/careers/training-industry-statistics
- Employee Development Statistics You Need to Know Right Now- https://www.deel.com/blog/employee-development-statistics/
- 10 Employee Training Statistics (2025) to Improve Your Team’s Performance- https://www.skillademia.com/statistics/employee-training-statistics/
- Employee Training Statistics: Cost of Progress in 2025- https://teamstage.io/training-statistics/
- https://www.ehstoday.com/safety/article/55088010/employees-are-concerned-about-safety-and-lack-of-training– Employees Are Concerned About Safety and Lack of Training
- Table 1. Percent of employees who received training by type of training- https://www.bls.gov/news.release/sept.t01.htm
Nikola Roza
Nikola Roza is a blogger behind Nikola Roza- SEO for the Poor and Determined. He writes for bloggers who don't have huge marketing budget but still want to succeed. Nikola is passionate about precious metals IRAs and how to invest in gold and silver for a safer financial future. Learn about Nikola here.