(Updated) Learning Management Systems Statistics, Facts and Trends for 2024 (Including Adoption, Market Share and Industry Stats)

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Looking for the latest statistics, facts and trends on the topic of learning management systems (LMS)?

My updated guide for 2024 has everything you need, and more.

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Also, all the references and resources I used in crafting my guide are listed at the bottom of the page.

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Learning management systems statistics. facts and trends guide for 2024
Learning management systems statistics. facts and trends guide for 2024

Table of Contents

Key Learning Management Systems Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year

Key Learning Management Systems Statistics, Facts and Trends for 2024

  • There are 73.8 million total LMS users globally. (Source)
  • The global LMS market was valued at $16.1 billion in 2022. It reached the value of $24.05 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach $61.8 billion by 2032. (Source)
  • In 2024 ~ 30% of all training hours were delivered online. By 2032 it’s estimated that ~85% of all training hours will be delivered online. (Source)
  • The LMS market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.8% over the forecast period of 2024-2032. (Source)
  • Over the past decade the LMS market experienced a CAGR of 18.4%. (Source)
  • North America is expected to generate approximately $6.27 billion in LMS revenue. (Source)
  • In 2020, 70% of L&D departments in North America used LMS. By 2032 it’s expected that at least 95% of L&D departments in North America are going to use LMS solutions. (Source)
  • The e-learning industry in Latin America is growing at an annual rate of 14%. (Source)
  • Latin America’s e-learning market is projected to generate $3 billion in sales by 2023, $4.5 billion in 2024, $6 billion in 2025 and $13.4 billion in 2032. (Source)
  • Across 20 Latin American countries, 12 million adults actively participate in online education. (Source)
  • Finland leads Europe with 21% of its population participating in online courses. (Source)
  • The European LMS sector grew with a CAGR of nearly 27% in 2020. From 2024-2032 the CAGR is expected to inflate to 32%. (Source)
  • In Europe, there is a 12.5% adoption rate for cloud-based LMS solutions. (Source)
  • Asia-Pacific LMS revenues increased from $5.2 billion to $11.5 billion between 2011 and the present. (Source)
  • The Asia-Pacific LMS market is projected to have an annual growth rate of 34.2% by 2022.  This growth rate will accelerate by the end of the decade to 37.1%. (Source)
  • Asia has the highest global e-learning growth rate at 17.3% annually. (Source)
  • The African LMS sector is growing at 15.2% annually. (Source)
  • In 2016, the African LMS market generated sales of $512.7 million. African LMS market is still underdeveloped and it’s expected that in the next decade the market will reach the valuation and sales volume of $5 billion. (Source)
  • In 2017, 77% of U.S. companies used eLearning for training initiatives. In 2024 that percentage grew to ~90% and by 2032 99% of US companies are going to be using eLearning modules for training their employees. (Source)
  • 72% of companies see eLearning as a competitive advantage. (Source)
  • 67% of organizations have embraced mobile learning. (Source)
  • 59% of companies have implemented Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. (Source)
  • Due to COVID-19, 66% of L&D professionals saw growth in their roles. (Source)
  • 66% of L&D professionals anticipate increased spending on virtual training and online learning. (Source)
  • 75% of employees prefer video-based learning over text-based learning. (Source)
  • 90% of students prefer eLearning over traditional classroom settings. (Source)
  • 56% of online college students use smartphones or tablets for coursework and 81% of graduate students are interested in using mobile devices for online coursework. (Source)
  • The education sector leads LMS usage at 21%. The technology sector follows with 12% LMS usage. (Source)
  • The manufacturing sector has 9% LMS usage. The healthcare sector has 7% LMS usage. Both consulting and software development sectors have 7% LMS usage each. Real estate and nonprofit sectors each have 3% LMS usage. (Source)
  • 87% of LMS users engage with web-based programs. (Source)
  • Among LMS users, 65% are corporate-level executives and 35% are managers. (Source)
  • 37% of LMS users are adults, while 28% are young adults. (Source)
  • 30% of LMS buyers are established tech companies. (Source)
  • Learning innovation has led to a 9% improvement in organizational growth, transformation, profit, and productivity. (Source)
  • LMS implementation has resulted in a 92% improvement in employee retention rates. (Source)
  • 41.7% of companies have realized cost savings with LMS adoption. (Source)
  • E-learning reduces employee time by 40-60% compared to instructor-led training. (Source)
  • LMS usage has led to a 93% improvement in training efficiency. (Source)
  • Self-paced learning has resulted in a 15-25% increase in employee performance. (Source)
  • E-learning has shown a 25-60% improvement in information retention. (Source)
  • Companies with comprehensive training programs have seen 218% higher revenue and a 24% increase in profit margins. (Source)
  • 87% of millennials are unsatisfied with their current learning experiences. (Source)
  • 40% of employees use Google before company resources when seeking information. (Source)
  • 80% of HR departments struggle with internal skills gaps and 69% of organizations report declining productivity levels. (Source)
  • Because of internal inefficiencies and lack of formalized structured employee training 67% of companies fall short of their financial and performance objectives. This happens annually to a tee as some lessons are never learned. (Source)

Learning Management Systems Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year (Detailed Info)

What is the Current Value of the Global LMS Market? And What is the Projected Growth of LMS Market?

The global LMS market was valued at $16.1 billion in 2022. It reached the value of $24.05 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach $61.8 billion by 2032.

Note: The LMS market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.8% over the forecast period. And in the previous period (over the past decade), the LMS market experienced a CAGR of 18.4%.

What is the Current Value of the Global LMS Market? And What is the Projected Growth of LMS Market?
What is the Current Value of the Global LMS Market? And What is the Projected Growth of LMS Market?

How Much LMS Revenue is North America Expected to Generate in the Next Few Years?

North America is expected to generate approximately $6.27 billion in LMS revenue. In 2020, 70% of L&D departments in North America used LMS solutions. By 2032 it’s expected that at least 95% of L&D departments in North America are going to use LMS solutions to boost their employees productivity, enhance job satisfaction and increase employee retention as much as possible.

Is the E-Learning Industry Growing in Latin America?

The e-learning industry in Latin America is growing at an annual rate of 14%. Latin America’s e-learning market is projected to generate $3 billion in sales by 2023, $4.5 billion in 2024, $6 billion in 2025 and $13.4 billion in 2032.

For example, already across 20 Latin American countries, 12 million adults actively participate in online education.

What is the Adoption Rate for Cloud-Based LMS Solutions in Europe?

In Europe, there is a 12.5% adoption rate for cloud-based LMS solutions. The European LMS sector grew with a CAGR of nearly 27% in 2020. From 2024-2032 the CAGR is expected to inflate to 32%.

Finland leads Europe with 21% of its population participating in online courses.

What is the Projected Annual Growth Rate for the Asia-Pacific LMS Market for the Next Decade?

The Asia-Pacific LMS market is projected to have an annual growth rate of 34.2% by 2022. This growth rate will accelerate by the end of the decade to 37.1%. Asia-Pacific’s LMS revenue increased from $5.2 billion to $11.5 billion between 2011 and the present.

Asia has the highest global e-learning growth rate at 17.3% annually.

What is the Annual Growth Rate of the LMS Sector in Africa?

In 2016, the African LMS market generated sales of $512.7 million. African LMS market is still underdeveloped and it’s expected that in the next decade (2021-2030) the market will reach the valuation and sales volume of $5 billion.

What Percentage of U.S. Companies used e-Learning for Training Initiatives?

In 2017, 77% of U.S. companies used eLearning for training initiatives. In 2024 that percentage grew to incredible 98%, and in 2025 and beyond it’s expected to hit 99%+, an all time high adoption rate.

What Percentage of Organizations Have Embraced Mobile Learning?

67% of organizations have embraced mobile learning.

Their reasoning is that mobile learning allows for distance learning which is far more accessible to employees than standard education.

Plus, learning via mobile forces the companies to shorten their lessons which again has a positive effect given that microlearning has been proven to work for employees better than traditional upskilling methods.

What Percentage of Companies Have Implemented Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policies?

59% of companies globally have implemented Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. It’s because employees feel more comfortable using their own devices and this helps them learn better and memorize faster.

What Percentage of L&D Professionals anticipate increased spending on virtual training and online learning?

66% of L&D professionals anticipate increased spending on virtual training and online learning. This is because online learning is no longer just a fad but a mainstay method of delivering education via the internet.

What Percentage of Employees Prefer Video-Based Learning over Text-Based Education?

75% of employees prefer video-based learning over text-based learning. It’s no wonder given that 65% of the population globally are visual learners. People with high visual-spatial intelligence prefer to learn by seeing.

What percentage of students prefer eLearning over traditional classroom settings?

90% of students prefer eLearning over traditional classroom settings. In a recent survey (I link to it in the reference section of this stats page) many students claimed that online lessons allow them to learn while jogging, running and working out. These subgroup of students from that particular survey are obviously kinesthetic learners with high body-kinesthetic intelligence.

What Percentage of Online College Students use Smartphones or Tablets for Coursework?

56% of online college students use smartphones or tablets for coursework. In addition 81% of graduate students are interested in using mobile devices for online coursework.

Bottom line is that printed physical books are going out of style fast as newer generations come along, especially Gen Alpha who don’t like to read that much as it is.

What percentage of online college students use smartphones or tablets for coursework?
What percentage of online college students use smartphones or tablets for coursework?

Which Sectors Leads in LMS Usage and at What Percentage?

The education sector leads LMS usage at 21%. The technology sector follows with 12% LMS usage. The manufacturing sector has 9% LMS usage. The healthcare sector has 7% LMS usage. Both consulting and software development sectors have 7% LMS usage each. Real estate and nonprofit sectors each have 3% LMS usage.

There are 73.8 million total LMS users globally.

What is the Age Breakdown of LMS Users?

37% of LMS users are adults, while 28% are young adults. The remaining 35% of LMS users are middle aged and senior adults who’re trying to improve themselves with more education. Some of them are still working while others see learning as a hobby.

What Percentage of LMS Buyers are Established Tech Companies?

30% of LMS buyers are established tech companies. 70% of buyers are smaller businesses that understand the usage of LMS could be what they need to achieve a better workforce and get an advantage over their competitors.

What Percentage of Companies have Realized Cost Savings with LMS Adoption?

41.7% of companies have realized cost savings with LMS adoption. Not only that but LMS usage has led to a 93% improvement in employee training efficiency.

Consistent LMS implementation has also resulted in an incredible 92% improvement in employee retention rates.

What percentage of companies have realized cost savings with LMS adoption?
What percentage of companies have realized cost savings with LMS adoption?

How Much has Self-Paced Learning Increased Employee Performance?

Self-paced E-learning has resulted in a 15-25% increase in employee performance. E-learning has also shown a 25-60% improvement in information retention.

What Impact Have Comprehensive Training programs Had on Company Revenue and Profit Margins?

Companies with comprehensive training programs have seen 218% higher revenue and a 24% increase in profit margins. These impressive figures demonstrate the substantial financial benefits that come from investing in employee training and development.

Companies that invest in their employees will eventually win.

What Percentage of Millennials are Unsatisfied With Their Current Learning Experiences?

87% of millennials are unsatisfied in their workplace and with their current learning experiences at their companies. 40% of them use Google before even consulting company resources when seeking information.

What percentage of millennials are unsatisfied with their current learning experiences?
What percentage of millennials are unsatisfied with their current learning experiences?

What is LMS [Learning Management System]?

Learning Management Systems Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year (FAQ)

What is an LMS (Definition and Meaning)?

Definition: an LMS is a software application that helps manage, deliver, and track learning and development programs, training programs, and educational courses. LMSs can also be used to automate, document, and report on these programs.

LMS stands for “Learning Management System”.

What Does a Learning Management System Do? What are the Features that Make LMS’s Quality?

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software platform that allows organizations to create, manage, deliver, and track educational courses, training programs, and learning materials. A decent LMS also provides a centralized hub for learners to access content, complete assignments, and monitor their progress.
Key functions of a quality LMS include:

  • Content creation and delivery. This is storing and distributing learning materials like videos, documents, presentations, and assessments to employees upon demand.
  • Learner enrollment and access management. This is controlling who can access specific courses and managing user accounts. Based on their progress and level of accomplishment employees get different access to training materials.
  • Progress tracking. This is monitoring learner activity, completion rates, and performance on assessments
  • Reporting and analytics. This is generating reports on learner progress, identifying areas for improvement, and providing insights into training effectiveness
  • Collaboration tools. This is facilitating communication and interaction between learners and instructors through forums, discussion boards, and chat features
  • Customization options. This is allowing administrators to tailor courses, assessments, and user interfaces to specific needs

How Should Companies Choose an LMS?

When choosing an LMS, companies should prioritize factors like their specific training needs, budget, user interface, scalability, integration capabilities, security features, and the level of support provided by the vendor. They need to ensure their chosen LMS aligns with their organizational goals and can accommodate future growth while offering a user-friendly experience for both learners and administrators.

Why Should Companies Use a Learning Management System?

Companies should use LMS’s to streamline and centralize training processes within an organization, allowing for efficient delivery of learning content, tracking of learner progress, and comprehensive reporting. The goal is to improve employee competency and ensure consistent training across the workforce while saving both time and resources.

What Type of Job Would be Responsible for Typing Information in a Learning Management System?

Online teachers and course instructors are responsible for keeping the records within the LMS they use for delivering educational content.

What is the Difference Between a Student Information System and a Learning Management System?

A Student Information System (SIS) primarily manages administrative student data like enrollment, attendance, grades, and schedules. A Learning Management System (LMS) focuses on delivering course content, facilitating learning interactions, and tracking student progress within individual courses, essentially acting as the platform for teaching and learning itself.

In simpler terms, an SIS handles the “who” and “where” of a student’s education, while an LMS manages the “what” and “how” of their learning.

Approximately What Percentage of Training Hours Were Delivered Online?

In 2024 ~ 30% of all training hours were delivered online. By 2032 it’s estimated that ~85% of all training hours will be delivered online.

Learning Management Systems Statistics, Facts and Trends for This Year (Conclusion)

My updated guide for 2024 lists the best and latest statistics, facts and trends about learning management systems and how to best use these tools to your advantage.

I hope you enjoyed it because the guide is now over.

During my research, I consulted these resources below:


Nikola Roza

Nikola Roza is a blogger behind Nikola Roza- SEO for the Poor and Determined. He writes for bloggers who don't have huge marketing budget but still want to succeed. Nikola is passionate about precious metals IRAs and how to invest in gold and silver for a safer financial future. Learn about Nikola here.

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