6 Best WordPress Plugins to Add Click to Tweet Boxes in Your Blog Posts- Let’s Tweet Away!

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Adding a few social media icons that, when clicked on, your article will be shared on social media can indeed help increase your blog traffic, and this is no longer a secret.

Many tutorials discuss adding social media icons.

Even most WordPress themes have these features.

And indeed, this practice is always recommended by SEO experts and professional bloggers.

However, have you ever visited several sites and saw that there was a box on the article that looked different and had the words “Click to Tweet“?

If you have seen and wanted to add this feature to your WordPress site, then keep reading because in this article, I will show you some of the best WordPress plugins to add the “Click to Tweet” box in WordPress Posts.

Let’s go!

best click-to-tweet WordPress plugins
These 6 are the best click-to-tweet WordPress plugins. Take your pick and click away!

What is a Click-To-Tweet Box Exactly?

A box containing a quote with a “Click to Tweet” link is usually added to a blog post to highlight a certain phrase, sentence, or paragraph.

It allows your readers who like the quote, but are too lazy to write tweets to still share with their followers.

Click-to-tweet quote boxes act as regular tweets. You can add hashtags, links to your blog posts, affiliate links (even though I don’t recommend promoting affiliate links on Twitter) and so on.

Many well-known bloggers and news sites use the “Click to Tweet” box feature every time they write a few extraordinary sentences.

In general, adding a “Click to Tweet” button is a great way to increase readership and blog traffic from Twitter.

This strategy creates interest and attracts users, making them more likely to share a special quote or excellent wording through their Twitter account, which increases visibility and visitors to your site.

So let’s dive into some best WordPress plugins to add click to tweet button within your blog post.

Best WordPress Plugins To Add Click To Tweet Box

Here are 6 best click-to-tweet WordPress plugins.

1. Better Click to Tweet

Better click to tweet plugin

Better Click To Tweet plugin is specially made for adding click to tweet boxes into your blog posts. By using shortcodes, you can add tweetable snippets to your posts.

All you need to do is select the essential parts of the article you want and your Twitter profile username, and this plugin will convert them into tweetable quote ready for deployment.

Readers just have to click on the click-to-tweet button and share it directly on their Twitter timeline.

There’s also a premium version of Better Click To Tweet Plugin, which gives you plenty of different click-to-tweet boxes to choose from.

2. Click to Tweet by Social Snap

Social snap plugin

Social Media Plugin by Social Snap also lets you add pretty click-to-tweet boxes to your blog posts.

Social Snap comes with 6 different attractive styles of Click to tweet box.

Along with click to tweet box feature, Social Snap is a fully fledged social sharing plugin that lets you add social buttion from the whole hosts of social media sites, including the most popular ones (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram).

Social Snap also has a premium version in which you can take advantage of their premium services like over 30 social media platforms to choose from, floating share buttons, animations, and much more.

3. Ultimate Blocks

Ultimate Blocks plugin

Ultimate Blocks is a powerful Gutenberg blocks Plugin that lets you create elegant click-to-tweet boxes in just a few clicks.

It gives you options to customize the CTT (Click To Tweet) box to make it more eye-catchy.

You can easily customize click-to-tweet boxes by customizing font size, color of the tweet, color of the border around the box.

Ultimate Blocks also includes many more blocks, some examples being social share, styled box, reading progress bar…

4. Social Warfare

Social Warfare plugin

Social Warfare plugin makes it easier to add attractive click-to-tweet boxes and social share buttons for your blog.

Apart from that, you can access special features to make your content look great on social media.

You can also add a quote box to your article with various attractive design options.

Apart from that, various interesting features will come in handy for you, including custom tweets that allow you to hide low share counts, etc.

5. Social Sharing Plugin – Highlight and Share

Social sharing plugin

A Social Sharing Plugin by MediaRon LLC is a free alternative to better Click To Tweet.

This plugin shows the “click to share” button instead of the click-to-tweet button. When readers click on button, they can share it on Twitter along with Facebook.

You can’t customize CTT box with this plugin.

6. Click to Tweet by Clicktotweet.com

Click to tweet plugin

Several plugins allow you to generate tweets with a single click. Click To Tweet by ClickToTweet.com is also a well-known plugin.

You can create 3 types of click-to-tweet boxes with this plugin.

  • Boxes
  • Hints
  • Images

Clicktotweet.com also allows you to include CTT buttons in your emails.

To get a tweet-to-tweet link to put in an email to tweet content, you do not even have to install it, Just go on clicktotweet.com and try it.

You can also access detailed tracking and analytics of each CTT box or link.

How to Add Click To Tweet Box to Your Blog Posts (Tutorial)?

Follow these simple steps to add click to tweet boxes to your WordPress blog post.

Step #1. First Of all, install Better Click To Tweet WordPress Plugin.

Step #2. Create a new post and add a Click To Tweet Block by Searching “Better Click To Tweet” in the Block Searching tool (See Screenshot Below).

Step #3. Add your quote that you want to make tweetable.

Step #4. All done!

See the demo of the CTT box below in the screenshot.

Note: If you want to install another click-to-tweet box plugin, then you can follow the same steps to add the CTT box into your blog post. There’s no much differences in steps.

Concluding My Best Click to Tweet WordPress Plugins Guide…

I discussed some best plugins to add click-to-tweet boxes into your blog post.

So which plugin to go for?

Well, If you are using Gutenberg editor and want a fully customizable CTT box, go with Ultimate Blocks.

Better Click To Tweet also a great plugin to add a simple CTT box for free.

And if you want to add social media share buttons along with the CTT box, don’t hesitate to try the Social Warfare plugin.

Hopefully, this tutorial was helpful for you to add add click to tweet box in your blog posts.

And with Click To Tweet Boxes, I hope your site will get an abundance of visits from social media Twitter.

Good luck!

Nikola Roza

Nikola Roza is a blogger behind Nikola Roza- SEO for the Poor and Determined. He writes for bloggers who don't have huge marketing budget but still want to succeed. Nikola is passionate about precious metals IRAs and how to invest in gold and silver for a safer financial future. Learn about Nikola here.

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